Type #1-
Smiles and Sunshine- When you are intoxicated, your middle name is Giggles McGoo. Every one is a comedian.. You giggle like a school girl who's just smoked pot for the first time. You fall in love with everyone, in a platonic way. You are everyone's new best friend. You make deep personal connections with everyone you meet. The next day, your phone is filled with pictures and phone numbers of people who don't seem as awesome as they did the previous night.The Black-Out-
Type A- You are a happy-go-lucky drunk. When there's booze involved, you haven't a care in the world. While Blacked-Out, you are slurry, and stumbly, maybe a little extra giggley. When you wake up the next day, all you know is that you had a great night.
Type B- You are the evil twin to type A. When there's booze involved, things start out well, but eventually, you realize that someone (or everyone) is out to get you. You don't like the way you're being treated, and now's the time to settle a giant dispute. Drunken tempers get out of hand, and the nights usually end in tears or physical confrontations. When you wake up, all you know is that things didn't end well.
Type #3-
Floor Magnet-
You enjoy doing activities requiring physical coordination while intoxicated such as dancing (most common) attempting to play sports, swimming, etc. You get off on trying to maintain proper equilibrium, and frequently wake up with odd bruises and scrapes. Hitting the floor does not phase you, it actually encourages you. This type can be found in combination with other types.
Type #4-
Horn Ball-
This type runs on lust and hormones. People are beautiful and sexy. When caught up in the moment, you find yourself playing tonsil hockey with boys and girls alike. You are overcome with intense sexual feelings for those you come across. If you are not careful, you may accidentally sleep with a close friend. If the goal of the night is to get laid, you will likely achieve some level of sexual satisfaction, if you are flexible to potential partners.Type #5
Sloppy Drunk-
This is a special kind of drunk. This person sincerely wants to have a good time and let it all hang out (sometimes literally). They are not ashamed of their drunken antics. They are often slurring their words, falling on the floor, kissing strangers, and shamelessly urinating in various places. They are a beautiful combination of several other types. They believe that being under the influence is a reasonable excuse for their behavior, no matter how crazy they become.
Which type of drunk are you???