Not many designers Indonesia who specialize in kebaya. And among the few, the name Anne Avantie so closely with the kebaya, especially modern kebaya.
After nearly 20 years working in the fashion world, she held her first single show in Jakarta. Taking the same title with the book launch recently, "I, Grace & Kebaya," the show was special because it was supported by a strong artistic element ethnic nuances, according to the breath kebaya.
After nearly 20 years working in the fashion world, she held her first single show in Jakarta. Taking the same title with the book launch recently, "I, Grace & Kebaya," the show was special because it was supported by a strong artistic element ethnic nuances, according to the breath kebaya.
Kebaya collection performance is carried Anne's life as a woman of Java, among others, visible from the decor, food and drink typical ethnic Javanese, to order the thick music of traditional breath. Anne managed to express the philosophy of the kebaya. For Anne, kebaya dress not only the spirit but also has the power.
Sparkling impression

In her show this time, she displays a series of collections that show clearly the metamorphosis kebaya from the time period. In the first sequence, showing the seven original Indonesian kebaya hosted by seven Putri Indonesia.
"Kebaya hosted by Indonesia's Princess is without a touch of classic kebaya Anne Avantie. This is to describe the original Indonesian kebaya, so are the fabrics used, "said Anne.
After that one by one model kebaya design modifications brought Anne. Without having to run from the lives of the original, modern kebaya look more attractive, imaginative and elegant. Kebaya series also featured heavy with detail. The use of sequins, embroidery and sparkling bead gives the impression.
Meanwhile secant unusual as asymmetry, and the use of brocade materials, tile, even the equivalent of batik cloth made into skirts long-tailed, suggesting different from the traditional kebaya.
Meanwhile secant unusual as asymmetry, and the use of brocade materials, tile, even the equivalent of batik cloth made into skirts long-tailed, suggesting different from the traditional kebaya.